Thursday, October 05, 2006

Champagne and Hummus

I finally got around to starting one of the books I bought from the Hinckley Garage Sale. It's The Best American Nonrequired Reading of 2004. So far so good. I am still reading Kavalier and Clay, which I have been reading all summer and have renewed 27 times from the library. I am not quite halfway through it yet. The only reason I started this new one was because I found myself with 30 seconds to spare and I had forgotten Kavalier and Clay at school. Anyway. Partway through my reading I came across the previous owner's bookmark. It's a piece of notebook paper ripped from one of those small notebooks. It has a shopping list on it:

chicken breasts
................................................. melon
cottage cheese
................................................ bread
veggies/salad stuff
potatoes................................ lunch stuff
rice........................................ fondue cheese
.............................................. tomato soup
brownies/cheesecake........ french bread
ice cream............................ tenderloin
............................................. shrimp
beer..................................... dessert!
............................................. Al's stuff

I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. Who is Al? Why do you need brownies and cheesecake and dessert!? Don't those two items already fall into the dessert! category? Which items are for your party and which items are just because you're there? Is this list for Rego's or Giant Eagle or Top's? Or is there some cool grocery store that I don't know about yet?
This list is from the woman who would have been my best friend if I was the type of person going around talking to complete strangers, instead of the burying my eyes in the sidewalk kind of person that I really am. She's even cooler now that I know she buys beer. And wine. And champagne. And fondue cheese. All on the same day.


Blogger Sonya said...

Al's stuff: Shaving cream and Reader's Digest.

10/12/2006 04:56:00 PM  

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