Saturday, September 09, 2006

What I don't like

Homework. Some of them don't do it. They just don't bring it home, and they don't bother to do it during free times at school. They raise their hands and say, "Mrs. B, I forgot to do my homework". Then they look at me like they expect me to magically make it appear. I think I'll get a wand and wave it around one of these days.

Meetings. I've been late to 2 already because I keep forgetting about them. I dutifully write them on my calendar, but then I never check it. The only reason I made it to these meetings was because teachers walked by my room and say, oh, why arent you at the meeting? I hate looking like I don't know what I'm doing. I had problems with library, and computer class, both because I'm new and don't know stuff. I hate not knowing stuff.

Teaching two subjects. In middle school I taught one. I know, some teachers teach all the subjects. I don't care. I still don't like it. If I can teach one, I can tailor it perfectly and spend more time on it. Lessons suffer when I have to divide myself between two subjects. I never have enough time to do anything. Just when I think I get a little caught up, the week is over and I need material for 5 more days.

50 degree mornings and 80 degree afternoons. There should not be a 20-30 difference in degrees in one day. And it should never be 80 degrees. 80 degrees outside means my room is 180 degrees. If I turn the fans on to try to cool off, then I can't hear anything because they are too loud. There is a student in one of the lower grades who needs his environment climate controlled. There is an air conditioner that moves with him each year. I want that student when he's in 5th grade.

The other new teacher in the building. Apparently she is perfect. She also looks like a supermodel.


Blogger Mrs.B said...

And hand sanitizer. My room smells like it all day. The students have killed off all the weak germs and are tempting the evil ones to lodge in my throat and make me cough. I have my first official cold of the year.

9/09/2006 02:59:00 PM  
Blogger schell said...

I'll bet the other new teacher thinks exactly the same thing about you.

9/10/2006 08:15:00 AM  

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