Saturday, September 09, 2006

What I love

My kids. They are good ones. I fond that I like them better the more I get to know them. Which is way better than the alternative. I love that they always want me to think of jobs for them to do. I never reward them beyond a thank you, but they keep coming back for more.

My subjects. I love leading a discussion on the book we are reading. I love leading a discussion on the current events we are learning. I love when they make a connection and their hand shoots up into the air. I love answering their questions with a question.

The other staff. They are all nice. They are all helpful. I don't think they think I am a snob because I don't eat lunch with them. I was always too busy to stop for lunch and now I don't even know where they eat, so I couldn't join them if I wanted to. The logical choice would be the staff lunch room, but my own room just seems so much safer.

The end of the day, when everyone's gone. I turn on the radio, kick off my shoes and roam the halls. I put everything back in order and almost always pause for one last look before I turn off the light.


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