Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Yachting B's

The boat is finally in the water. It's been there all week and hasn't sunk yet.
We all went out there today to clean it up a little and take it out for a spin. It started out as kind of a gloomy day. It was just a quick ride, and Cali started screaming almost immediately. I ignored it at first, because she does tend toward the melodramatic, but she wouldn't stop, and she had this panicked look on her face, which got worse the farther out we got. She kept twisting around to see the land behind us. She was up on the bridge with us and Joey was down at the front of the boat. He loved it. He just sat back and let the waves rock him. I remember going out on my uncle's boat, and always wanting to be in the front of the boat, pretending like I was flying. He got that love of the water from me. It looks like he's inheriting that whole fishing thing from his dad. It's like we gave him all out water genes and had none left for Cali.
I was trying to figure out how to have my mom babysit her from now on, when G Monkey needed to go down below for a minute. He handed me the wheel and I lazily steered, not too worried since there weren't any other boats or obstacles nearby. Cali saw my distraction and tentatively put her hand out on the wheel. I stepped back to let her take over. Suddenly the skies cleared, the sun was beaming and sweet little darling birdies began to sing their songs of hope. Cali's mind ran into overdrive, shouting, 'I am only 10, but I am driving a BOAT!' and her face almost split from her grin. She steered most of the way back to the dock and we didn't hear another whimper the whole time. (Until the ungodly hour of 12:01 pm when she began screaming about her late lunch, but that's another story)
So all's well that ends well, or more likely, this was a one time thing and if we try to take her out again she will make our lives miserable. I hope mom is available tomorrow.


Blogger sparky said...

Your 10 year old daughter bawls like a baby when she's unhappy ? Does she have a mental illness of some kind? When I first started reading I thought sure you were talking about a 2 year old child . Allan

9/16/2006 08:44:00 PM  
Blogger Mrs.B said...

Yes she does, Big Al. It's called Melodramaticoffspringus de la Chronicexaggeratoritis.

9/17/2006 10:20:00 AM  

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