Saturday, September 02, 2006

Happy Loser

I passed a teacher in the hall late on Friday. She teased me about it being Friday and I was still smiling. Teachers usually are too stressed out by Friday to smile until they get home and relax for a few hours. But I'm still so happy to have a job that I smile all week long. I am really really loving it.
This year we are doing a reading marathon- 26 books each. I have had almost no time to read since school started so I am trying to make myself read more. I have a book that I started weeks ago and am still no where near finishing it. The kids will be on mile five before I get my first one read.
I am also making them read newspapers every week. And write about the articles. And discuss the articles. I have had almost no time to read the paper, so I've been making sure to listen to NPR every time I'm in the car.
No books, no papers, no TV (except for Deadwood, which is over now, anyway), no long rambling phone calls every day, no wild parties. I'm a loser. But I'm happy.


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