Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Elephant Poop

We went to the Zoo on Monday. Mondays are free for residents so the zoo was packed. And it was like 900 degrees outside so it wasn't the funnest thing I've ever done. I went with my sister, cousins, aunt, and all our kids. One of those kids is this sweet blue eyed angel faced little boy. Except he's not exactly little, he could probably play for the Browns this year. And he's not exactly angelic, in fact, we were quite convinced that he was the antichrist until he survived a baptism with holy water, now we know he's just a lesser demon. But he does have blue eyes. Did you ever see that movie with Hannibel Lechter? Where he has to be tied up in a straight jacket with some weird mask thingie on? That's what we have to do with our little Buddy. If he is allowed out of his stroller he must be leashed so that he doesn't run off and begin eating the zebras. He doesn't really like to be leashed, and he doesn't really like anyone getting in his way when he is leashed. Since he is training to be a linebacker, he likes to tackle anyone who gets in his way. Even if it happens to be his darling sweet big sister.
Before he was leashed, while he was still straightjacketed in his stroller, he became rather annoyed and began gnawing at his limbs in an attempt to free himself. To distract him, I pointed out the cool elephants. He had already seen the elephants and was losing interest. Since out little Buddy is a boy and most boys I know are fascinated by anything related to the doopa (much like my sister and her nicknames), I pointed out the large piles of elephant poop to him. You know in movies, when the person is thrashing about in a hospital bed, and the nurse quickly grabs a needle and stabs it into the person, who then becomes motionless immediately? That's what Buddy did. "Elephant poop?" "ELEPHANT POOP!" He was stilled, and we could move on to enjoy the rest of our day at the zoo.

Later that night, after pizza and Barney (oh, what, you thought linebackers were too cool for Barney?) and hours of swimming, I asked Buddy if he had fun today at the zoo. He looked up at me with those big blue eyes, all sleepy and sweet and said "elephant poop!"
I just got off the phone with him. I wanted to tell him that the poop boy was here, sucking all the poop out of my septic tank with his big truck. I thought he would like that story. I said "Hi Baby, it's auntie Tracee!" He said, "elephant poop?" I think I just got a new nickname.


Blogger schell said...

I always made my kids watch when the tank was being pumped. They would complain about the smell, and I would then tell them how important school was.
I doubt it helped.

8/10/2006 07:56:00 AM  

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