Saturday, August 19, 2006

The Church of Tracee

Some lady read ended us last night. We were stopped a a light and she slammed into us. It was only a little slam. Actually, it was two little slams. I think she was trying to back up from hitting us and then hit us again. At first we thougth she was drunk, but she claimed to be just released from a hospital, complete with wristband. She had no one to pick her so she drove herself home. There was no damage but we contemplated calling the cops so they could drive her home. If we thought fast enough on our feet, we would have offered to drive her home. Instead we let her pull out of the gas station, blindly blazing through a red light. Two minutes later it started pouring. I hope she made it home ok.

Today after picking up the little darlings from grammy's house (along with all their new school clothes and dollar store items) we noticed a cop walking along the highway. Further on we noticed another one. They seemed to be looking for something in the grass. By the time we got to the exit ramp we had seen at least 10, all out of their cars and scanning the ground. I can guess that they were looking for a weapon or drugs thrown from a car, but I'll never know for sure.

I'll never know if that lady made it home ok and I'll never know what the cops were looking for. I bet they're both great stories. I would be so much happier if I was God and could just know eveything, all the time.


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