Thursday, July 20, 2006

A tale of two stoplights

The city of Cleveland has decided that cameras should now be used to catch people going through red lights. These cameras snap a cute little pic of your car as you zoom away, and then in 4 to 6 weeks your ticket arrives first class mail. The problem is, people get freaked out when they see a yellow light and slam on the brakes. People like me. I'm just glad that no one was behind me because they would have sent my face through my windshield. I stopped so fast my ABS kicked on. I'm not normally a freak, but I knew my butt might not be quite over the line when it turned red. I hate that stupid camera. It makes me not want to visit my brother as often, since it's on the way to his house. Also contributing to my infrequent visits is his habit of running on the treadmill and then answering the door in his undies. I don't want to see a sweaty brother in his tighties and Nikes. But that's another story.

Later today I was rushing home from the grocery store, having forgotten that guitar lessons are tonight. I was driving through Brunswick, which locals sometimes call Brunstucky due to the fact that it can't quite shake its rural past, even with the help of a Starbucks. There aren't a lot of cops driving around in Brunswick so I wasn't too worried about driving through a red light. I did check oncoming traffic, and I did go through it just a split second after it turned. One woman, from the opposite direction took offense at my driving through the light. She properly stopped and couldn't believe that I didn't. She was in such disbelief that she had to roll down her window and throw her arm out in some sort of what's up with that kind of wave. That poor thing. I hope she's ok.
I'd like to imagine her sitting down at her computer right now, fingers a mile a minute as she blogs to all her loyal fans about the idiot she saw today driving through a red light.


Blogger UrbanStarGazer said...

Okay . . . ick on the brother thing. Double ick.

7/25/2006 02:13:00 AM  
Blogger UrbanStarGazer said...

Maybe even triple ick.

7/25/2006 02:13:00 AM  

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