Tuesday, July 11, 2006


The other day in our Plain Dealer there was an article about a protest. Some breastfeeding mothers were having an 'eat-in' in front of a Victoria's Secret store because they were upset about what they considered some anti-breasfeeding policies. At least I think that's what they were upset about. I didn't read the full article. I did notice the picture though; several women sitting or standing in front of the store with a child attached at the nipple. I think only one of the children pictured seemed to be a baby, the rest were definately toddlers. I cringed when I saw that picture because I knew people might freak out when they saw how old the kids were. I had no idea, though.

The Plain Dealer publishes letters to the editor of course, but they also publish a Monday Moaning section where people can call in and mention something that is bugging them. At least I assume people call in and don't write in, because the rambling sentences and odd fragments usually resemble the way we speak and don't resemble the way most adults should write. Anyway, someone was so upset over those mothers breastfeeding toddlers that the person called in to complain. That topic is the one topic that this person needed to moan about more than any other topic in his or her life. I have a pretty cushy life. Even so, my life is not so easy that my biggest worry is someone else's mother.

And the letters. Geez. I'm used to topics like abortion generating a lot of anger and hatred, but breastfeeding? Why on earth does breastfeeding make some people's blood boil? This one man was just insane in his ramblings. He talked about how those children are going to have emotional problems later in their lives. I don't believe he was basing that on any obscure study he may have found, I think he took full credit for that gem of knowledge. He also felt compelled to tell breastfeeding women that if they must feed their children in public, then they must accept his ogling as a result. He seemed almost giddy about these free peep shows. His closing kicker was this amazing leap of idiocy, where he equated urinating in public with breastfeeding. He threatened to urinate alongside a woman anytime he saw her breastfeeding in public.

This is something I just don't understand. Why do people care how other's feed their children? Why do they get so angry and mean when they see a woman feeding a child that is no longer a baby? Where is the cut off line between tenderness and disgust? How can people be disgusted by breastfeeding? Why would you feel the need to direct such venom toward something that has no effect on you whatsoever?

This crazy letter writing freak lives near me. His children might go to the same school as mine. He might be pushing the shopping cart next to me at Giant Eagle. Since he seems to enjoy telling others how to parent I'll give him a few tips when it comes to me. Leave those innocent breastfeeding mothers alone and save your dirty looks for those of us who shove sugar down our kids throats instead of fruits and vegetables. Grumble about our unhealthy fast food trips. Preach about how we sit those poor innocents in front of the tv for hours on end. Direct your urine toward those of us who submit our children to second hand smoke. Use your powers for good, my man, not evil.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that when a kid is old enough to walk up to Mom and ask her to whip it out, he/she is too old to be breastfed.

I breastfed both of my kids (and quit long before either of them reached the point mentioned above), but I was always fairly discreet about it, with the shawl and all. I never could understand women who would say, "Oh, it's time to feed Joey," and then whip out BOTH boobs and leave one hanging out in plain sight while Joey attached himself to the other.

I would hope that the original issue was propriety - not breast feeding per se, but breast feeding in a way that would freak out passerby.

7/12/2006 12:03:00 PM  
Blogger UrbanStarGazer said...

I agree. It's an odd thing for people to get so upset about. Very odd.

That said . . . I know a fellow whose wife breast fed their first kid until he was six. It was extremely disturbing to see the kid climb into her lap, unbutton her shirt, pull her breast out of her bra, and start "feeding".

This same child was so emotionally disturbed that he was expelled from kindergarten for many reasons, one of which was that he was threatening to kill himself on a fairly frequent basis.

The had a second son that they quite breast feeding at age 2 and he's fine.

I don't know if there is a correlation but I do have to say that the first boy had a lot of anger, anxiety, etc., when the second son came along and he had to share time "feeding" at mom's breasts.

7/13/2006 01:01:00 AM  
Blogger The Broards said...

Dear Teacher,
The only time breastfeeding upset me is when I was in a long long line for It's a Small World at Disney World and some mammoth mommy waiting in the line in front of me whipped out her boobie and let her four year old suckle. The four year old was STANDING and she could reach the droopy boobie without even standing on her tippy toes. It was almost enough to put me off the snowcone I was eating.

7/13/2006 04:45:00 PM  

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