Thursday, July 06, 2006


I went garage saling today. I haven't done too much of it this summer and I miss it. The kids were a little whiney so we didn't go to many houses. Oh well, maybe next week. I did get a cute little rolling cart thing for the classroom as well as some of those stacking shelves to put on your desk. I'm so excited that I have actual things to put in the room. I have no idea what to put in the cart, but I have a cart now. I got a couple more books, too. I'm trying to look for books that appeal to boys more than girls because I have so many that I bought for my daughter and because most boys don't usually like to read.

I've been looking stuff up online and printing it out like crazy. I've written out some of the procedures that I want to use. I'm going to use some sign language in the classroom, for things like getting attention and asking to use the bathroom. I don't have a loud voice so I have to find ways other than yelling 'shut up' to get them to quiet down. I also made some hall passes. This is so much fun.

We're getting ready to go to the cottage this weekend. Little ringletted Dora the Explorer will be going there for the first time. All the other kids have been there once or twice before. We're all very excited. I'm going to go the dollar store in about an hour to pick out some little toys and stuff. It's amazing how much fun can be had from a seemingly worthless toy. We're trying to get the older generation to come hang out for the day. Usually when we go, it's just us and our kids. It's been forever since we were there with our parents. Maybe this is the next step towards the family reunion that we always talk about. I am a little nervous because I read an article about a bear sighting near the cottage. I'm not sure how near, it could be 50 miles. Or it could be .5 miles. Bears scare me. I don't want to go for a nice walk and stumble across one. I'd die of a heart attack and it would eat me. I don't want to be eaten.


Blogger schell said...

I've been meaning to ask why we haven't heard anything about the cottage lately.

7/08/2006 08:29:00 AM  
Blogger Catz said...

"Books appealing to boys"

I have a classroom library(several grade levels except pre~k)but I don't have many books that appeal to boys.My son loaned some of his to my library once.Some of them had been stolen.Even with his and my name in them.I won't do that anymore.Anyway,I'm looking for some.I check thrift stores,yard sales and library book sales.Asking my son's opinion doesn't really help.He's 17 and has a one track mind.The only thing I did find boys would read(older boys at that)is Harry Potter.I have the PB set for classroom.I picked them up used at a used book store.That's working so far.I don't have a good selection for pre~k yet.

7/09/2006 01:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

garage saling! I thought I was the cleaver so and so that made up that phrase.

7/09/2006 01:46:00 AM  
Blogger Meme said...

you truly have bee possessed by the stepford wives :(

7/10/2006 01:29:00 AM  
Blogger Mrs.B said...

J- I'm sure we can share credit for garage saling. I like to add 'ing' to words and presto! have a new verb. My recent favorite is "next blogging"- the action of hitting the 'next blog' button over and over again, looking for something interesting.

7/10/2006 07:29:00 AM  

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