Monday, July 17, 2006

Cool Blue

Some of you may know that we bought our house as a foreclosed property and it was in bad condition when we bought it. The old owner had removed everything that wasn't nailed down. Oh wait. He took stuff that was nailed down, too. Like carpet, molding, doors, toilets, sinks, lights. He had also thrown many items into the yard, and then left the yard unmowed for years. Nothing too damaging, but lots of cosmetic stuff. We spent six months working on it until it was ready to move in and it still isn't done six years later. This weekend we got glassblock windows in the basement, which is our first step toward finishing the cinderblocked basement. I have a room off my bedroom that is meant to be a bathroom. It has holes cut in the walls and various plumbing thingies sticking out. There is a toilet in the corner of the room, not attached to anything, and some cabinets. The room tends to accumulate junk and I have to clean it out again every so often.

I have decided to redo my bedroom, and as part of that redo we took out the computer desk and all the crap that goes with it and put them in the bathroom. So now I have an office. With a toilet in the corner. I've been told it's temporary and I will have that bathroom someday. I'm still holding out hope, but it's fading. The kids want me to paint the walls because there are a bunch of scribbled measurements and things all over, but I refuse. I want that constant reminder of where a tub could go, and how much room is left on that side for the shower. But, in the meantime, it is nice to have a little more space. I'm filling up bags and plastic tubs of stuff for school so I can pile it all in here.

My room redo started out as a new coat of paint and some different bedding. Because a little rug rat climbs into bed with us most nights, we are thinking about a bigger mattress. A bigger mattress means a new bed. A new bed might mean new nightstands and ceiling fan. It also might mean a new chair under the window since the desk is gone. Or it might just mean a new coat of paint. We shall see.


Blogger UrbanStarGazer said...

Sounds like our Tahoe cabin only all the plumbing is hooked up there. I had this big flurry of ambition last Summer and got about half the place up to snuff but I still need to tackle our bedroom and its bathroom, the last spare room and its bathroom, and the kitchen.

The kitchen will be a complete remodel -- rip everything out and completely redo it so that'll be a while cuz the way people work up there, I figure that project will last months so I want to start it at the beginning of Summer (I'd much rather be without a kitchen in the Summer when I can BBQ than when there's 10 feet of snow in the yard) so, probably next Summer.

7/20/2006 09:23:00 AM  
Blogger Mrs.B said...

We didnt have a kitchen for a few weeks our first summer. We lived out of a cooler and grilled every night.

7/20/2006 06:59:00 PM  

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