Thursday, December 21, 2006


One Tuesday S. asked me if I was going to miss them over break. I told him no, of course not, I would be much too busy opening presents and having fun. I told him that when he leaves me in June I will probably cry, though.
S. was the last one in the room at the end of the day. His bus was a little late. I was busy trying to get myself organized so I could hurry to meet the other teachers for a little relaxation time. When the bus was called, he grabbed his backpack and hurried out, then popped back into the room. He just stood by the computers, looking at me, smiling. I smiled back, and told him to have a great vacation. He nodded, still smiling, then turned and left. I went back to packing up all my loot, but I had to blink a few times since my eyes were a little watery.


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